SREview Issue #11 March 2021

2 min readMar 23, 2021

Is it spring yet? Or spring still? Time sure is strange nowadays. At least we have a ton to look forward to in the next few weeks! Here are some of the most exciting Tweets, content, and events happening in the SRE and resilience engineering community this month.

Tweets that have us twittering


SRE2AUX: How Flight Controllers were the first SREs: Geoff White writes about what vintage space lore has to do with site reliability engineering in the 21st century.

The Netflix Cosmos Platform: This article explains why the Netflix team built Cosmos, how it works, and shares some of the things the team learned along the way.

SRE as Organizational Transformation: Lessons from Activist Organizers: Chris Hendrix writes about how we can learn from activist organizers while driving company-wide change.

What is a Canary Deployment?: This post contains a thorough description of canary releases including benefits, visual examples, and how it fits into an effective deployment strategy.

How We Built and Use Runbook Documentation: Alicia Li and Lucas Bartroli write about runbooks. “Even if you don’t notice, you are executing runbooks everyday, all the time.”

Increment’s Reliability Issue: This issue contains articles on reliability from thought leaders such as Tanya Reilly, Mads Hartmann, Ana Margarita Medina, and more.


SRE Thought Leader Panel: SRE Adoption as Organizational Transformation March 25, 11 AM PDT: Hear from experts Kurt Andersen, Vanessa Yiu, and Tony Hansmann. Hosted by Chris Hendrix.

Blameless Bi-Weekly Demo March 30 at 8 AM PDT: Check out a live demo of Blameless as we walk you through operations best practices, and get your questions answered.

DevOps Online Summit April 26–30: DevOps professionals throughout the world come together and share their learnings.

Deserted Island DevOps April 30: A single-day virtual event streamed on Twitch. All presentations will take place in the world of Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

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